Title Izazovi izvedbe energetskih pilota
Title (english) Challenges of Energy Piles Construction
Author Filip Dusper
Mentor Meho-Saša Kovačević (mentor)
Committee member Mario Bačić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Danijela Jurić Kaćunić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Meho-Saša Kovačević (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Civil Engineering (Geotechnical Engineering) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-09-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Civil Engineering Geotechnology
Abstract Razvojem i napretkom čovječanstva dolazi do povećane emisije štetnih plinova u cjelokupnoj svjetskoj industriji što je jedan od vodećih čimbenika klimatskih promjena. U cilju smanjenja emisije CO2, korištenje fosilnih goriva i drugih konvencionalnih izvora energije, prema brojnim svjetskim odredbama, nastoji se zamijeniti obnovljivim izvorima energije među kojima pripada i iskorištavanje geotermalne energije. Geotermalna energija je „čista“ energija koja nema negativan utjecaj na okoliš, a glavna prednost u odnosu na ostale obnovljive izvore je dostupnost neovisna o vremenskim uvjetima. Iskorištavanje geotermalne energije značajno je za dobivanje električne energije, za hlađenje i za grijanje objekata. Korištenje geotermalne energije postiže se izvođenjem raznih sustava koji se temelje na geotehničkim iskustvima i spoznajama, a među ostalim, podrazumijevaju zemljane radove i radove bušenja zasnovane na geološkim i geomehaničkim karakteristikama tla. S obzirom na poticanje iskorištavanja i primjene geotermalne energije, radi ekonomičnosti, iskorištavanje geotermalne energije zadnjih 30-ak godina nastoji se implementirati u podzemne konstrukcijske i temeljne sustave koji se zajednički nazivaju energetske konstrukcije. Energetske konstrukcije rade na principu transfera topline pomoću sustava dizalice topline, a primarni zadatak je iskorištavanje jednolike temperature tla na određenoj dubini tijekom različitih vremenskih razdoblja u svrhu grijanja i hlađenja objekta. Energetski piloti su podzemne građevine koje pripadaju skupini energetskih konstrukcija, a uz svoju osnovnu ulogu dubokog temeljenja raznih objekata, sudjeluju u iskorištavanju geotermalne energije. Promjena temperature u ovisnosti o grijanju i hlađenju objekta može utjecati na mehaničko ponašanje pilota te na kontaktnu površinu tla i pilota, a iako je primjena sustava energetskih pilota sve raširenija, podaci o dugoročnom ponašanju tla i pilota su ograničeni. U ovom radu pojašnjene su karakteristike i funkcioniranje energetskih pilota, njihove podjele, primjene, prednosti i nedostaci s naglaskom na izazove i problematiku prilikom njihova izvođenja te rješenje navedene problematike.
Abstract (english) The development and progress of mankind leads to an increased emission of harmful gases in the entire world industry, which is one of the leading factors of climate change. In order to reduce CO2 emissions, the use of fossil fuels and other conventional energy sources, according to numerous international regulations, is being replaced by renewable energy sources, among which is the use of geothermal energy. Geothermal energy is "clean" energy that has no negative impact on the environment, and the main advantage compared to other renewable sources is its availability regardless of weather conditions. The use of geothermal energy is important for obtaining electricity, for cooling and heating buildings. The use of geothermal energy is achieved by performing various systems based on geotechnical experience and knowledge, and among others, they include earthworks and drilling works based on the geological and geomechanical characteristics of the soil. With regard to encouragment of geothermal energy utilization and application for the sake of economy, the implementation of its utilization has been attempted for the last 30 years or so in underground structural and foundation systems, which are collectively called energy structures. Energy structures work on the principle of heat transfer using a heat pump system, the primary task of which is to utilize the uniform temperature of the soil at a certain depth during different periods of time for the purpose of heating and cooling the building. Energy piles are underground buildings that fall into the category of energy structures, and in addition to their basic role as deep foundation of various buildings, they participate in the exploitation of geothermal energy. The change in temperature depending on the heating and cooling of the building can affect the mechanical behavior of the piles and the contact surface of the soil and piles, and although the application of energy pile systems is becoming more widespread, data on the long-term behavior of the soil and piles is limited. In this paper, the characteristics and functioning of energy pile, their divisions, applications, advantages and disadvantages and the solutions to these problems, are explained, with an emphasis on the challenges and problems during their implementation and the mentioned problems.
energetski piloti
geotermalna energija
podzemne građevine
energetske konstrukcije
dizalica topline
Keywords (english)
energy piles
geothermal energy
underground buildings
energy structures
heat pump
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:237:757874
Study programme Title: Civil Engineering; specializations in: Construction Management, Transportation Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Hydraulic Engineering, Structural Engineering, Construction Materials, Theory and Modeling of Structures Course: Construction Management Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka građevinarstva (magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka građevinarstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
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Created on 2023-01-30 10:33:17