Abstract | Konvencionalni portland cementni beton, OPC, jedan je od najkorištenijih materijala uopće, a njegova proizvodnja negativno utječe na okoliš doprinoseći ukupnoj antropogenoj emisiji CO2. Iako je glavni građevinski materijal, poznato je da u agresivnim okolišima ne pokazuje dostatnu otpornost. U posljednjih par desetljeća dolazi do razvoja alternativnih veziva radi smanjenja ekološkog otiska, ali i poboljšanja svojstava betona, a posebno armiranog betona u agresivnom okolišu. Jedno od rješenja nameću se alkalno-aktivirana veziva koja su u potpunosti bez-cementna veziva. Alkalno-aktivirani materijali, sastavljeni su od aluminosilikatnog prekursornog materijala, najčešće nusprodukta raznih industrija kao što su leteći pepeo i zgura, aktiviranog visoko alkalnim otopinama. Zbog masivne eksploatacije zgure i letećeg pepela u betonima, te trenda zatvaranja termoelektrana na ugljen, zalihe „standardnih“ prekursora se smanjuju i potrebno je naći alternative. U posljednje vrijeme sve više pažnje se posvećuje nusproduktu aluminijske industrije, crvenom mulju. Sa svojim fizikalnim i kemijski karakteristikama crveni mulj pokazuje veliki potencijal za korištenje u građevinskoj industriji. U radu je obrađeno stanje područja o crvenom mulju, alkalno – aktiviranim materijalima na bazi različitih prekursora te utjecaj alternativnih veziva na trajnosna svojstva. U eksperimentalnom dijelu rada ispitivana je tlačna čvrstoća, konzistencija, prodor klorida, električna otpornost i korozijsko ponašanje čelika u AAM na bazi letećeg pepela i zgure u kojim je dio prekursora zamijenjen crvenim muljom. |
Abstract (english) | Conventional Portland cement concrete, OPC, is one of the most used materials in general, and its production has a negative impact on the environment, contributing to the total anthropogenic CO2 emissions. Although it has been the main building material for decades, it is known that it does not show sufficient resistance in aggressive environments. In the last couple of decades, alternative binders have been developed in order to reduce the ecological footprint, but also to improve the properties of concrete, especially reinforced concrete in an aggressive environment. One of the solutions are alkali-activated binders, which are completely cement-free binders. Alkaline-activated materials, AAM, are composed of alumino-silicate precursor material, usually a by-product of various industries such as fly ash and slag, activated with highly alkaline solutions. Due to the massive exploitation of slag and fly ash in concrete, and the coal-fired thermal power plants are being shut down, stocks of "standard" precursors are decreasing and it is necessary to find alternatives. Recently, more and more attention has been paid to the by-product of the aluminum industry, red mud. With its physical and chemical properties, red mud shows great potential for use in the construction industry. In this research a brief state of the art survey on red mud, alkali-activated binders based on various precursors and durability of such materials was given. In the experimental part of the work, the compressive strength, consistency, chloride penetration, electrical resistance and corrosion behavior of steel in AAMs based on fly ash and slag, in which part of the precursor was replaced by red mud, were examined. |
Study programme | Title: Civil Engineering; specializations in: Construction Management, Transportation Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Hydraulic Engineering, Structural Engineering, Construction Materials, Theory and Modeling of Structures Course: Construction Management Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka građevinarstva (magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka građevinarstva) |