Title Staklena pročelja
Title (english) Glass facades
Author Niko Milutinović
Mentor Nikolina Vezilić Strmo (mentor)
Committee member Silvio Bašić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marinko Sladoljev (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Nikolina Vezilić Strmo (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Civil Engineering (Buildings) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-09-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Civil Engineering
Abstract Pročelje ili fasada je element građevine koji prvi uočimo. Osim estetske funkcije, bitna je i zaštitna funkcija kako ljudi koji borave u objektu, tako i nosive konstrukcije građevine. Staklo se još od kraja prošlog stoljeća, a intenzivno zadnjih godina izdvaja kao vrlo značajan materijal u građevinskoj industriji. Ostakljena pročelja zgrada odišu atraktivnim izgledom i originalnošću. Prvenstveno korištene kod poslovnih objekata, u zadnje se vrijeme upotrebljavaju i na stambenim objektima. Moderne staklene fasade moraju biti funkcionalne. Možda i najvažniji funkcionalni zahtjev je energetska učinkovitost, gdje se nastoji postići veća propusnost svjetlosti i što manji gubici energije unutarnjeg prostora, u zimskim i ljetnim vremenima. Staklene fasade izrađuju se uz korištenje metalnih profila, najčešće aluminijskih, i različitih vrsta stakla. Širok izbor stakla daje mogućnost odabira potrebnog ostakljenja fasada, s obzirom na namjenu građevine i klimatsko područje u kojem se ona nalazi. U radu je prikazan kratak povijesni pregled razvitka i uporabe stakla, te karakteristike različitih vrsta stakla koja se koriste za staklena pročelja. Nakon toga, prikazan je razvoj samih staklenih pročelja i zahtjevi za njihovu izradu. Postoji dosta tipova staklenih fasada, koji su opisani s njihovim glavnim karakteristikama, tehnologijama izvođenja i detaljima, a potkrijepljeni su primjerima. Navedene su neke prednosti i mane određenih tipova, te prednosti i mane staklenih fasada u odnosu na fasade izvedene od drugih materijala. Zadnje poglavlje rada bavi se primjerima građevina izvedenih sa staklenom oblogom, potkrijepljenim opisima i tehničkim crtežima.
Abstract (english) Facade is the element of the building that we first notice. Except of the aesthetic function, protective function is also important for people staying in the building and for supporting structure. Glass has been distinguished since the end of the last century, and intesively in recent years, as a very important material in civil engineering. Glazed facades exude an attractive appearance and originality. Primaly used for office buildings, recently they are also used in residential buildings. Modern glass facades must be functional. Perhaps the most important functional requirement is energy efficiency, where the goal is to achieve greater light transmission and lower energy losses in the interior space, in winter and summer. Glass facades are made using metal profiles, usually aluminium, and different types of glass. A wide selection of glass gives the possibility of choosing the required facade glazing, considering the purpose of the building and the climatic area in which it is located. This thesis presents a brief historical overview of the development and use of glass, and characteristics of different types of glass used for glass facades. After that, development of glass facades and requirements for their production are presented. There are many types of glass facades, which are presented with their main characteristics, execution technologies and details, supported by examples. Some advantages and disadventages of certain types, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of glass facades compared to facades made of other materials. Last chapter of this thesis are about examples of buildings made with glass facades, supported by descriptions and technical drawings.
stakleno pročelje
kontinuirana fasada
strukturalna fasada
element fasada
spider fasada
dvostruka fasada
Keywords (english)
glass facade
continuous facade
structural facade
element facade
spider system
double-skin facade
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:237:041648
Study programme Title: Civil Engineering Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka građevinarstva (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka građevinarstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
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Created on 2023-03-29 12:16:44