Scientific paper - Original scientific paper
Assessing Riverbed Surface Destabilization Risk Downstream Isolated Vegetation Elements
Water, 14(18) (2022); 2880. urn:nbn:hr:237:511484

Xu, Yi; Valyrakis, Manousos; Gilja, Gordon; Michalis, Panagiotis; Yagci, Oral; Przyborowski, Łukasz

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Xu, Y., Valyrakis, M., Gilja, G., Michalis, P., Yagci, O. & Przyborowski, Ł. (2022). Assessing Riverbed Surface Destabilization Risk Downstream Isolated Vegetation Elements. Water, 14(18).. Retrieved from

Xu, Yi, et al. "Assessing Riverbed Surface Destabilization Risk Downstream Isolated Vegetation Elements." Water, vol. 14(18), 2022.

Xu, Yi, Manousos Valyrakis, Gordon Gilja, Panagiotis Michalis, Oral Yagci and Łukasz Przyborowski. "Assessing Riverbed Surface Destabilization Risk Downstream Isolated Vegetation Elements." Water 14(18) (2022).

Xu, Y., et al. (2022) 'Assessing Riverbed Surface Destabilization Risk Downstream Isolated Vegetation Elements', Water, 14(18). Available at: (Accessed 05 October 2024)

Xu Y, Valyrakis M, Gilja G, Michalis P, Yagci O, Przyborowski Ł. Assessing Riverbed Surface Destabilization Risk Downstream Isolated Vegetation Elements. Water [Internet]. 2022 [cited 2024 October 05];14(18). Available at:

Y. Xu, M. Valyrakis, G. Gilja, P. Michalis, O. Yagci and Ł. Przyborowski, "Assessing Riverbed Surface Destabilization Risk Downstream Isolated Vegetation Elements", Water, vol. 14(18), 2022. [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 05 October 2024]

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