Title Poduzeća posebne namjene
Title (english) Special purpose vehicle
Author Luka Martinović
Mentor Ivica Završki (mentor)
Committee member Miljenko Antić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Matej Mihić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivica Završki (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Civil Engineering (Construction Management) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-09-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Civil Engineering Construction Organization and Technology
Abstract Danas, građevinska poduzeća posluju u turbulentnoj, nepredvidivoj i za razvoj nesigurnoj okolini. Tome doprinose stalne promjene na tržištu koje obuhvaćaju: nepredvidive promjene cijena, nestabilno tržište rada, te stalni rast potražnje kvalitetnijih usluga. Također, u poslovanju nastaje sve veća konkurencija zbog povećanja broja velikih internacionalnih kompanija koje preuzimaju sve veći dio tržišta. Kako bi građevinska poduzeća preživjela u takvom tržištu punom rizika, koriste se raznim
... More financijskim polugama kako bi se odvojili od konkurencije i preživjeli u svijetu poslovanja. Diskutabilno, subjekti posebne namjene su jedna od najvrjednijih financijskih poluga koje mogu pripomoći građevinskim poslovnim sustavima. Subjekti posebne namjene ne služe samo interesima poduzeća radi njihovog stjecanja prednosti nad konkurencijom, već pripomažu razvoju gospodarstva kroz ostvarivanje infrastrukturnih i drugih mega-projekata koji su korisni za opću javnost. Ovim diplomskim radom objašnjena je potreba za korištenjem subjekata posebne namjene u poslovanju građevinskih poduzeća. Prikazani su njeni pravni i financijski oblici u kojima se pojavljuje. Objašnjeni su nedostatci i posljedice njegovog prekomjernog korištenja, te njihove prednosti i problematika koju rješavaju. Također je prikazana primjena subjekata posebne namjene u javno-privatnim partnerstvima, te je obrađena regulativa vezana na javnu nabavu, ugovore i koncesije. Na kraju diplomskog rada odrađena je studija slučaja dvaju velikih projekata koja su provedena kroz javno-privatno partnerstvo pomoću subjekata posebne namjene kao privatnog partnera. Less
Abstract (english) Today, construction companies operate in a turbulent, unpredictable and uncertain environment for development. Constant changes in the market contribute to this, including: unpredictable price changes, an unstable labor market, and a constant growth in the demand for better quality services. Also, there is increasing competition in business due to the increase in the number of large international companies that are taking over an increasing share of the market. In order for construction
... More companies to survive in such risky market, they use various financial levers to separate themselves from the competition and survive in the business world. Arguably, special purpose vechicles are one of the most valuable financial levers that can help construction business companies. Special purpose vechicles do not only serve the interests of companies in order to gain an advantage over the competition, but also contribute to the development of the economy through the implementation of infrastructural and other mega-projects that are beneficial to the general public. This thesis explains the need of use of special purpose vechicles in the business of construction companies. Here is shown a legal and financial forms in which it appears. The disadvantages and consequences of its excessive use are explained, as well as their advantages and the problems they solve. The application of special purpose vechicles in public-private partnerships is also presented, and regulations related to public procurement, contracts and concessions are discussed. At the end of the thesis is a case study of two large projects that were implemented through a public-private partnership using special purpose vechicles as a private partner. Less
Subjekt posebne namjene (SPV)
alokacija rizika
porezne olakšice
vlasnički odnosi
javno-privatno partnerstvo (JPP)
Keywords (english)
Special purpose vechicles (SPV)
risk allocation
tax incentives
ownership relations
public-private partnership (PPP)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:237:246233
Study programme Title: Civil Engineering; specializations in: Construction Management, Transportation Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Hydraulic Engineering, Structural Engineering, Construction Materials, Theory and Modeling of Structures Course: Construction Management Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka građevinarstva (magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka građevinarstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
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Created on 2023-01-30 11:14:33