Title Projekt konstrukcije s dokazom požarne otpornosti čelične hale skladišta
Title (english) Structural project with fire design of warehouse steel hall
Author Lana Friščić
Mentor Davor Skejić (mentor)
Committee member Anđelko Vlašić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Vlatka Rajčić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Davor Skejić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Civil Engineering (Structures) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2024-02-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Civil Engineering Supporting Structures
Abstract Tema ovog diplomskog rada obuhvaća izradu projekta konstrukcije čelične hale s fokusom na proračun konstrukcije pod djelovanjem požarnog opterećenje prema normama HRN EN 1991-1-2 i HRN EN 1993-1-2. Izrađeno je dispozicijsko rješenje konstrukcije, proveden je proračun elemenata uzimajući u obzir vlastitu težinu i promjenjiva djelovanja – djelovanje snijega i vjetra. Također, riješeni su glavni detalji priključaka nosive konstrukcije. Sama konstrukcija skladišne čelične hale smještena je u Dugopolju. Dimenzije tlocrtno pravokutne hale su 60 m x 16 m, visina u strehi je 6,5 m, a krov je dvostrešan pod nagibom od 10°. Glavnu nosivu konstrukciju čine dvozglobni portalni okviri postavljeni na razmacima od 6 m. Kvaliteta čelika korištena za glavne konstrukcijske elemente je S355. Modeliranje i dimenzioniranje konstrukcijskih elemenata provedeno je u programu SCIA Engineer 22.1., dok je program Autodesk Robot korišten za dimenzioniranje priključaka. Požarno opterećenje iznosi 150 MJ/m2, a zahtijevana otpornost konstrukcije na djelovanje požara je R60. Za izračun odnosa temperatura – vrijeme kod realnog požara korišten je programski paket OZone V.3. gdje su razmatrana tri različita požarna scenarija. U prvom scenariju skladišna hala podijeljena je na četiri požarna odjeljka, u drugom slučaju na dva i u trećem slučaju cijela hala je jedan požarni odjeljak. U programskom paketu SCIA Engineer napravljena je kompletna požarna analiza koristeći mjerodavnu požarnu krivulju, a dodatno je proveden ručni proračun glavnih konstrukcijskih elemenata na požarno djelovanje. Kombinacijom proračuna konstrukcije na djelovanje povišenih temperatura i primjenom suvremenih metoda simulacija razvoja stvarnog požara, dokazano je da predmetna čelična hala uz određene izmjene zadovoljava zahtjeve požarne otpornosti R60. Podjelom hale na dva požarna odjeljka te primjenom dodatnih mjera protupožarne zaštite (povećanje profila ili zaštita podrožnica) konstrukcija zadovoljava traženu otpornost bez značajnih povećanja troškova.
Abstract (english) The subject of this thesis is the design of a steel hall structure, focusing on a fire design according to the standards HRN EN 1991 1 2 and HRN EN 1993 1 2. A dispositional structure solution was created in which the structural members were calculated tak ing into account their own weight and the variable loads snow and wind. In addition, the most important details of the load bearing structural joints were designed. The steel structure of the warehouse itself is located in Dugopolje. The dimensions of th e rectangular hall floor plan are 60 m x 16 m, the eaves height is 6.5 m, and the roof is gabled with a pitch of 10°. The main supporting structure consists of portal frames, which are arranged 6 metres apart. The steel quality used for the main supporting structures is S355. The structural members were modelled and designed using the SCIA Engineer 22.1 software, while the Autodesk Robot programme was used to design the joints. The fire load is 150 MJ/m2 and the required fire resistance of the structure is R60. The OZone V.3. software package was used to calculate the temperature time relationship, taking into account three different fire scenarios. In the first scenario, the warehouse was divided into four fire compartments, in the second scenario into two, and in the third case the entire warehouse area formed a single fire compartment. A full fire analysis was performed in the SCIA Engineer software package using the appropriate fire curve, in addition to a manual calculation of the main structural members under a fire load. By combining the structural calculation of the effect of elevated temperatures with the application of modern methods for simulating the development of a real fire, it was demonstrated that the steel hall in question fulfils the require ments for fire resistance R60 with certain modifications. By separating the hall into two fire compartments and applying additional fire protection measures (increasing purlins profile size or adding fire protection to the purlins), the structure meets the required resistance without significant cost increases
čelična hala
EN 1993-1-2
realni požar
požarna otpornost
Keywords (english)
Keywords: steel hall
EN 1993 1 2
real fire
fire resistance
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:237:641587
Study programme Title: Civil Engineering; specializations in: Construction Management, Transportation Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Hydraulic Engineering, Structural Engineering, Construction Materials, Theory and Modeling of Structures Course: Structural Engineering Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka građevinarstva (magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka građevinarstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
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Created on 2024-03-15 09:18:20