Sažetak | Kolodvor je od nastanka željeznice glavni simbol i osnovna jedinica željeznice. U kolodvoru se obavljaju prometne i pogonske operacije te postoji više podjela kolodvora. Kako bi se na kolodvoru mogle obavljati prometne i pogonske operacije potrebno je kolodvor opremiti odgovarajućom opremom. Opisani su zahtjevi koji se traže od opreme kako bi se željeznički promet odvijao učinkovito. Propisima su određena pravila za broj, dužine, smjerove, nagibe kolosijeka u kolodvoru, skretnica te osiguravanje vožnje u kolodvorima pomoću signala. Putnički kolodvor sastoji se od željezničkih postrojenja, kolodvorskog trga, kolodvorske prijemne zgrade i perona. U opremu teretnog kolodvora pripadaju kolosijeci za teretni promet, tovarište, robna skladišta, tovarne
rampe, naprave za slobodno vagonsko tovarenje, kolske mosne vage i ostali uređaji za teretni promet. Željeznički promet, a i
kolodvor, treba pratiti potrebe putnika. Optimalno rješenje u centralnoj zoni grada je kolodvor prolaznog tipa. Prednosti takvog koncepta zadovoljavaju potrebe putnika kojima je primarni cilj korištenja željezničkog prometa za brz i lak prijevoz. Budući da kolodvor služi potrebama grada, a grad se postepeno razvija, mora se dakle podrediti i prilagoditi tim potrebama. Taj razvitak nikad ne prestaje stoga kolodvori moraju imati prostora za svoj razvoj. Zbog toga se u većim gradovima formira željezničko čvorište koje čini veći broj povezanih pojedinačnih kolodvora. Kao primjer rekonstrukcije kolodvora u svrhu modernizacije pruge prikazana je rekonstrukcija kolodvora Luka. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Since the founding of the railway, the station has been the main symbol and basic unit of the railway. Traffic and operational operations are performed at the station and there are several divisions of the station. In order for traffic and operational operations to be performed at the station, it is necessary to equip the station with appropriate equipment. The requirements required of the equipment in order for the railway traffic to run efficiently are described. The regulations determine the rules for the number, lengths, directions, slopes of tracks in the station, switches and the provision of driving in stations using signals. The passenger station consists of railway facilities, a station square, a station reception building and a platform. The equipment of the freight station includes freight tracks, freight yard, freight warehouses, freight ramps, devices for free wagon loading, weighbridge and other freight devices. Rail traffic, as well as the station, should monitor the needs of passengers. Unlike previous stations, the stations are integrated into the urban part of the city and become centers of development. The advantages of such a concept meet the needs of passengers whose primary goal is to use rail transport for fast and easy transport. Since the station serves the needs of the city, and the city is gradually developing, it must therefore be subordinated and adapted to those needs. This development never stops, so stations must have space for their development. Therefore, a railway hub is formed in larger cities, which consists of a larger number of connected individual stations. As an example of the reconstruction of the station for the purpose of modernization of the railway, the reconstruction of the Luka station is presented. |