
Early Warning System in Managing Water Infrastructure Projects
Early Warning System in Managing Water Infrastructure Projects
Sjekavica Klepo Mariela
Radujković Mladen
Effect of polymer fibers recycled from waste tires on properties of wet-sprayed concrete
Effect of polymer fibers recycled from waste tires on properties of wet-sprayed concrete
Baricevic Ana
Pezer Martina
Jelcic Rukavina Marija
Serdar Marijana
Stirmer Nina
Effect of wood biomass ash storage on the properties of cement composites
Effect of wood biomass ash storage on the properties of cement composites
Carević Ivana
Štirmer Nina
Serdar Marijana
Ukrainczyk Neven
Ekspertni sustav za ocjenu uspješnosti planiranja u gospodarenju vodama
Ekspertni sustav za ocjenu uspješnosti planiranja u gospodarenju vodama
Karleuša Barbara
Beraković Boris
Rajčić Vlatka
Elastomehanička svojstva vlaknima armiranih polimernih kompozita
Elastomehanička svojstva vlaknima armiranih polimernih kompozita
Rak Mladenko
Krolo Joško
Demirović Sead
Energijsko certificiranje zgrada
Energijsko certificiranje zgrada
Mikulić Dunja
Štirmer Nina
Milovanović Bojan
Banjad Pečur Ivana
Estimation of the excavator actual productivity at the construction site using video analysis
Estimation of the excavator actual productivity at the construction site using video analysis
Šopić Martina
Vukomanović Mladen
Car-Pušić Diana
Završki Ivica
