
Europska klasifikacija tla za inženjerske potrebe
Europska klasifikacija tla za inženjerske potrebe
Saša Kovačević Meho
Jurić-Kaćunić Danijela
Evaluation of Creep Behavior of Soft Soils by Utilizing Multisensor Data Combined with Machine Learning
Evaluation of Creep Behavior of Soft Soils by Utilizing Multisensor Data Combined with Machine Learning
Kovačević Meho Saša
Bačić Mario
Librić Lovorka
Gavin Kenneth
Evaluation of tramway overhead line system in city of Osijek
Evaluation of tramway overhead line system in city of Osijek
Haladin Ivo
Lakušić Stjepan
Duvnjak Ivan
Exact arithmetic as a tool for convergence assessment of the IRM-CG method
Exact arithmetic as a tool for convergence assessment of the IRM-CG method
Dvornik Josip
Jaguljnjak Lazarević Antonia
Lazarević Damir
Uroš Mario
Exact solutions of a model for synthetic anyons in a noninteracting system
Exact solutions of a model for synthetic anyons in a noninteracting system
Lunić Frane
Todorić Marija
Klajn Bruno
Dubček Tena
Jukić Dario
Buljan Hrvoje
Exactly solvable model for anyons with non-Abelian flux
Exactly solvable model for anyons with non-Abelian flux
Klajn Bruno
Domazet Silvije
Jukić Dario
Buljan Hrvoje
Exploring Options for Flood Risk Management with Special Focus on Retention Reservoirs
Exploring Options for Flood Risk Management with Special Focus on Retention Reservoirs
Bezak Nejc
Lacko Martina
Johnen Gregor
Lebar Klaudija
Zupanc Vesna
Vidmar Andrej
Rusjan Simon
