
Application of agent-based modelling for selecting configuration of vertical slot fishway
Application of agent-based modelling for selecting configuration of vertical slot fishway
Kulić Tin
Lončar Goran
Kovačević Martina
Fliszar Robert
Application of an Artificial Neural Network in Pavement Management System
Application of an Artificial Neural Network in Pavement Management System
Domitrović Josipa
Dragovan Hrvoje
Rukavina Tatjana
Dimter Sanja
Application of an Artificial Neural Network in Pavement Management System
Application of an Artificial Neural Network in Pavement Management System
Dragovan Hrvoje
Rukavina Tatjana
Domitrović Josipa
Application of the XBeach-Gravel Model for the Case of East Adriatic Sea-Wave Conditions
Application of the XBeach-Gravel Model for the Case of East Adriatic Sea-Wave Conditions
Bogovac Tonko
Carević Dalibor
Bujak Damjan
Miličević Hanna
Approach Alignment Impact on the Geometric Design of Urban Roundabouts
Approach Alignment Impact on the Geometric Design of Urban Roundabouts
Bezina Šime
Dragčević Vesna
Stančerić Ivica
Armiranobetonski zidovi u potresnim područjima
Armiranobetonski zidovi u potresnim područjima
Mrak Petar
Grandić Davor
Meštrović Darko
Assessing Riverbed Surface Destabilization Risk Downstream Isolated Vegetation Elements
Assessing Riverbed Surface Destabilization Risk Downstream Isolated Vegetation Elements
Xu Yi
Valyrakis Manousos
Gilja Gordon
Michalis Panagiotis
Yagci Oral
Przyborowski Łukasz
Assessment and Rehabilitation of Culturally Protected Prince Rudolf Infantry Barracks in Zagreb after Major Earthquake
Assessment and Rehabilitation of Culturally Protected Prince Rudolf Infantry Barracks in Zagreb after Major Earthquake
Milić Mija
Stepinac Mislav
Lulić Luka
Ivanišević Nataša
Matorić Ivan
Čačić Šipoš Boja
Endo Yohei
