Title Ponašanje prošupljenih lijepljenih lameliranih drvenih elemenata u ambijentnim i požarnim uvjetima
Title (english) Mechanical and fire performance of glue-laminated hollow timber elements
Author Nikola Perković
Mentor Vlatka Rajčić (mentor)
Committee member Davor Skejić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Vlatka Rajčić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Adriana Bjelanović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Civil Engineering Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-12-14, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Civil Engineering Supporting Structures
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 624/625 - Civil and structural engineering. Civil engineering of land transport. Railway engineering. Highway engineering
Abstract Zbog sve veće potrebe za očuvanjem našeg planeta i smanjenjem emisije ugljičnog dioksida (CO2) tijekom gradnje, sve više se nameće korištenje jedinog materijala koji pohranjuje ugljik, a to je drvo. Osim zahtjeva za smanjenjem emisije štetnih plinova, javlja se potreba za što kraćim vremenom izgradnje i minimalnom upotrebom građevinskih strojeva, što je dovelo do razvoja sustava montažne gradnje. Ovaj rad se bavi inovativnim prošupljenim lijepljenim lameliranim drvenim elementima koji su
... More namijenjeni za montažni sustav gradnje. Uspoređujući ovaj inovativni sustav s postojećim montažnim sustavima, prikazane su glavne značajke i ponašanje konstitutivnih elemenata u ambijentnim i požarnim uvjetima. Otpornost konstrukcija na požar uvelike doprinosi osjećaju sigurnosti i važan je kriterij za odabir građevnog materijala. Zapaljivost drveta jedan je od glavnih razloga zašto regulativa strogo ograničava drvo kao građevinski materijal, posebno za gradnju višekatnih objekata. Stoga, glavni preduvjet za uporabu drva u građevinama je osigurati adekvatnu požarnu otpornost, koristeći pasivne i aktivne mjere zaštite od požara. Zbog geometrije prošupljenih drvenih elemenata i tankih vertikalnih drveni stijenki između prošupljenja, djelovanje požara može dovesti do nepravilnih rezidualnih poprečnih presjeka sa većim dubinama pougljenja u usporedbi sa standardnim drvenim elemenata. Mehaničko i požarno opterećenje zajedno sa geometrijskim i materijalnim karakteristikama drvenih konstrukcija, imaju presudnu ulogu u istraživanju njihove otpornosti. Ovaj rad daje pregled mogućnosti i izazova u postizanju tog cilja vodeći se principima požarnog inženjerstva. U doktorskom radu provedena je eksperimentalna i numerička analiza utjecaja mehaničkog i požarnog opterećenja na prošupljene lijepljeno lamelirane drvene elemente, te usporedna analiza ponašanja ovog tipa elemenata sa ponašanjem za praksu uobičajenih GLT elementa. Eksperimentalno istraživanje provedeno je u dvije glavne faze. Prva faza odnosila se na istraživanje ponašanja prošupljenih uzoraka u ambijentnim uvjetima (savijanje, tlak okomito na vlakanca, posmik, vlak paralelno s vlakancima), dok se druga faza odnosila na istraživanje u požarnim uvjetima (izloženost linijskih elemenata s jedne i tri strane, nosivi zid, te spojevi). Razvijen je novi pristup numeričkog modeliranja metodom konačnih elemenata (MKE), korišten za evaluaciju debljine pougljenog sloja, te su predloženi proračunski modeli za određivanje mehaničke i požarne otpornosti prošupljenih drvenih elemenata. Less
Abstract (english) Due to the growing need to preserve our planet and to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions during construction, the use of the only CO2-absorbing material, timber, is increasingly being imposed. Recently, the design and construction of mass-produced buildings using cross-laminated timber (CLT) and glued laminated timber (GLT) has risen sharply. In addition to the requirement of reducing CO2 emissions, there is a need of minimizing construction time and usage of construction machinery,
... More which has led to the development of prefabricated timber construction systems. This may ultimately result in reduced costs and higher construction speeds, compared to standard commonly non-combustible materials, and structures.
This doctoral thesis deals with innovative hollow glue-laminated timber elements intended for prefabricated construction systems. Comparing this innovative system with existing ones, the main system's features and behavior of the constituent elements i.e., the hollow glue-laminated timber elements, in ambient and fire conditions have been presented. Fire safety greatly contributes to the user's feeling of safety, and it is a key parameter for the selection of building materials. The combustibility of timber is one of the main reasons to have strict restrictions on timber for usage as a building material, especially for multi-storey buildings.
At the end of the life cycle, timber releases stored CO2 into the atmosphere by decomposition or combustion. Therefore, the main prerequisite for the use of timber in buildings is to ensure adequate fire resistance, using passive and active fire protection measures. Due to the geometry of the hollow GLT elements and the thin vertical timber parts between the
hollows, the fire load can lead to irregular residual cross-sections with greater charring depths in comparison to the standard GLT elements. Mechanical and fire load along with the geometrical and material characteristics of timber elements play a crucial role in researching their resistance. This thesis provides an overview of the possibilities and challenges in achieving this goal, guided by the principles of fire engineering. The mechanical and fire performance of innovative hollow glue-laminated timber elements has not been investigated yet and is the main goal of this thesis.
The main hypotheses are as follows:
H1 : Experimental research and numerical analysis will enable the determination of
the influence of the geometrical and material characteristics on the mechanical and fire
performance of hollow glue-laminated elements.
H2 : By perforating the cross-section area of timber elements up to 35 %, a minimum
of 60 % of the load-carrying capacity of the full cross-section timber elements can be reached.
H3 : By perforating the cross-section area of timber elements up to 35 %, a minimum
of 30 % of the fire resistance capacity of the full cross-section timber elements can be reached,
and by applying fire protection in the form of fire retardants, or non-combustible materials infill
in the first row of hollows, favorable effects on fire resistance of hollow glue-laminated timber
elements can be achieved compared to the fire resistance of the full cross-section timber
elements. Less
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:237:060208
Promotion 2023
Study programme Title: Postgraduate doctoral study of the Faculty of Civil Engineering Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje tehničkih znanosti, polje građevinarstvo (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje tehničkih znanosti, polje građevinarstvo)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2023-01-05 10:18:23