Analiza utjecaja angažiranja interesnih sudionika na uspješno izvršenje infrastrukturnih projekata
Kristijan Robert Prebanić Procese i aktivnosti građevinskih projekata organiziraju i provode različiti pojedinci ili grupe koji mogu imati različite razine interesa u projektu, a nazivaju se interesnim sudionicima. U infrastrukturnim projektima velik broj ugovornih strana i nerijetka pojava suprotstavljenih ciljeva uzrokuju prekoračenja projektnih ciljeva (npr. trošak, vrijeme...). Stoga je disciplina angažiranja interesnih sudionika (AIS) prepoznata kao važna strategija za uspješno projektno izvršenje. Pri...
Application of machine learning for the generalization of the response of levees to high-water events
Nicola Rossi Levees are earthen structures which, along with other hydraulic and geotechnical structures, are part of larger networks designed primarily for flood protection. Extreme floods are rare events which may pass unnoticed if all goes well, or may cause disastrous consequences if any part of the flood protection system fails. Considering the high variability of geotechnical materials, it is advised that usage of full probabilistic analyses is employed, which imply being able to define a...
Characterisation and modelling of additively manufactured polymeric tpms lattices for structural application
Lucija Stepinac THESIS SUMMARY
The tendency in structural engineering and architecture is that prototypes of the future will resemble biological and natural cellular structures. By observing many objects in nature, it was found that the TPMS (triply periodic minimal surface) pattern is an optimal geometry in terms of minimal surface that separates space into equal volume domains. The mechanical principle that prevails in bioinspired TPMS structures is implemented into the topology optimization of...
Developement of high-performance concrete with lower ecological footprint
Kiran Ram Porikam Poil The project ACT began with a quest to explore the possibilities of using calcined clay as an alternative binder for cement. Due to the scarcity and high cost of traditional supplementary cementitious materials, the study focused on collecting and characterizing various materials, including low-kaolin clays from Croatia and neighboring countries. After extensive testing and preparation, six different high-performance mortar mixtures were created, incorporating the low-grade calcined kaolin...
Development of artificial hydraulic lime with waste wood biomass ash
Jelena Šantek Bajto In the midst of the various environmental challenges and the ever-growing global appetite for energy, renewable sources are boldly stepping up to rival the longstanding dominance of fossil fuels. Europe's dedicated push towards sustainable energy has led to a significant surge in the use of wood biomass as a low-emission alternative fuel. This transition has given rise to the abundant production of wood biomass ash (WBA). This emergent industrial byproduct now calls for strategic and...
Doprinos utjecajnih parametara na podlokavanje oko stupova mostova zaštićenih riprapom
Antonija Harasti Stupovi mostova u rijekama izloženi su lokalnoj eroziji uslijed kompleksne interakcije trodimenzionalnog polja tečenja i riječnog sedimenta. Najčešća metoda sanacije i prevencije od podlokavanja je riprap – zaštita od kamenog nabačaja. Iako riprap štiti stup mosta, podlokavanje se nastavlja na nizvodnoj dionici korita i stvara se pojava odbačene kaverne. Trenutno stanje znanja o fenomenu podlokavanja oko stupa mosta već zaštićenog riprapom dosad nije istraženo. Cilj ovog...
Finite element model updating of bridge structures using game theory based algorithm
Suzana Ereiz In this research, an implementation of game theory has been developed as a computational tool to assist designers in solving the maximum likelihood finite element model updating problem of bridge structures. Finite element model updating is usually performed using the deterministic maximum likelihood method by defining the updating problem as an optimization problem in terms of a single or multi-objective function. In this way, a numerical model is obtained that reflects the actual...
Geometrijsko oblikovanje propusta ugrađenih u lukobran u svrhu povećanja učinkovitosti izmjene mora
Damjan Bujak Narušena kvaliteta mora unutar luke može se izbjeći smanjenjem potencijalnih izvora onečišćenja i održavanjem izmjene mora. Za područja mikroplimnih mijena poput Jadranskog mora, uobičajena je ugradnja grupe propusta u tijelo lukobrana za poboljšanje izmjene mora. Uz povoljan utjecaj grupe propusta povećanjem izmjene mora, javlja se nepoželjna transmisija valne energije kroz grupu propusta. Izvođenjem laboratorijskih, terenskih i numeričkih istraživanja provjeriti će se je li...
Higrotermalno ponašanje ventiliranih teških ovojnica zgrada
Marina Bagarić Poznavanje higrotermalnog ponašanja od ključne je važnosti za izgradnju trajnih, energetski visokoučinkovitih zgrada koje su sigurne od građevinskih šteta uzrokovanih vlagom te pružaju zdravu i ugodnu unutarnju klimu korisnicima. U ovom radu, istraženo je higrotermalno ponašanje inovativnog predgotovljenog teškog fasadnog panela, čija specifičnost leži u korištenju velikog postotka recikliranog građevnog otpada za proizvodnju betonskih slojeva panela te zračnom sloju s...
Improving the seismic response of masonry piers with single sided FRCM coating using Innovative clamping details
Ivan Hafner Masonry is globally recognized as one of the most extensively used building materials in the world. Despite its widespread application, masonry structures face a notable challenge concerning seismic vulnerability. The low tensile strength of masonry makes these structures susceptible to horizontal forces, a vulnerability amplified by their construction predating comprehensive seismic regulations. The most vulnerable parts of these buildings are piers located at the ground floor. Therefore,...
Influence of supplementary cementitious materials on durability of calcium aluminate cement under different curing regimes
Alma-Dina Bašić The cement industry is facing a global problem of environmental pollution during cement production. To reduce the negative impact on the environment, the possibility of using supplementary cementitious materials – SCMs, e.g. industrial by-products or natural materials, as a replacement for part of the cement in concrete has been already investigated for many years. Calcium aluminate cement (CAC) has been used for more than 100 years and is mostly used for special purposes where resistance...